Ricks Center for Gifted Children fosters a community of thinkers, 问题解决者, and innovators through a dynamic and challenging gifted educational environment, and offers programs for children age 3 through 8th grade. Supported by a dedicated faculty and staff that honor the individual and tailor the curriculum to the advanced capabilities of gifted children, students at Ricks Center are empowered to embrace their creativity and curiosity, to explore their talents and passions and to elevate each other at an accelerated learning pace in this student-led culture. 



Ready to join our Ricks Community? 让我们开始吧!





Our all-encompassing curriculum is delivered within a play-based format and integrates all areas of development including 社会-emotional, 物理, 认知, 读写能力, 语言, 数学, 科学技术, 社会研究, and the arts within the daily classroom routine and structure.



在瑞克, 我们培养一个善解人意的人, 包容, and equitable school community that values and encourages respect, 的声音, 并代理所有学生. 



As part of the yzcca88游戏登录网址, a University community dedicated to life-long learning, Ricks Center students are granted access to DU resources and scholars addressing their distinct intellectual, 社会, and emotional needs as gifted students and equipping them with the necessary tools and confidence for self-expression and success.



Gifted young children blossom and grow 认知ly, 智力, 社会, and emotionally when placed in a supportive, stimulating learning environment where they are challenged and encouraged to build on their strengths, and inspired to cultivate new skills. Ricks Center has created a nationally recognized program for our youngest students with their unique characteristics and accelerated learning needs at the core.

Learn About Ricks 儿童早期


The goal of Ricks Center Primary program is to ensure that all of our students develop essential academic skills while engaging fully in their learning. We want children to learn to take intellectual risks, explore ideas, and expand their horizons.



Students in 5th through 8th grade are taught by content specialists in the core subjects areas of math, 语言艺术, 科学, 还有社会研究. 中学 students participate in small group and whole class instruction, allowing for passionate discussions, 高层次的思维, and in-depth exploration of relevant topics.


15 平均班级人数

$750k Amount awarded in financial aid each year

15+ Partnerships with Denver University

“老师太了不起了. They help you with everything. 我喜欢这个课程. Ricks is open to all types of learners and levels."


这里的每个人都很好. Everyone here is friendly and open. 我开始社交了. 我喜欢和大家在一起. 它使我快乐.


"They help me feel proud because they help me through the work that I need to do, and it just makes me feel proud of myself--like I can do anything."


The Benefits of Getting Children into Nature

“ I go to nature to be soothed and healed and to have my senses put in tune once more” -John Burroughs

Nature is the very best sensory modality we have access to that has multiple benefits for all people no matter their age, 尤其是儿童. Children are constantly linking the outside world with their internal feelings/emotions and expanding their thoughts and understanding of the world.

在瑞克斯, we provide opportunities for our students to explore and play within the natural world using their own ideas and self-direction. These experiences are essential for the healthy development of an internal sense of wellbeing in children.

When allowed space to self-direct their play, children test themselves by interacting with the natural environment.  他们不仅想象, but they act in alternative ways to move and create given what is available to them in their surroundings. 

There is emerging evidence that exposure to nature is essential for 物理 and emotional health and that exposure to nature may reduce the symptoms of ADHD. 另外, when children are routinely interacting in nature, there are improvements in 认知 abilities and resistance to negative stresses and depression. 

If you're curious about ways to get your child outside in nature more often, go with them! 

点击 在这里 for more information on the benefits of nature and the healthy development of children.

了解更多 about our 里克斯课程


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